Thursday, November 6, 2014

It's Nearly Friday :)

Tomorrow is friday quote

Grade 3 - Ms. Cristina's Class
Helping the kids grow into responsible children.

Thursday 6th November 2014

Maths Dice Game

Dice Game 


Malti Manija pġ 13
English Practice pg 76-77
Reading:  10 minutes English
                 10 minuti Malti

Make a DICE
Stick the given dice-paper on a 'KartonÄ‹ina', cut around the outside line and bend at the dotted lines. Stick the flaps together with glue and strengthen with tape if necessary. Write your name. Bring to school.

For Crafts please bring:
2 magazines to cut out from
2 coloured A4 sheets 

A gentle reminder to bring to school the OWL we had made so we hang it in class. Write your name. 

Today 2 Library Books were given, These need to be read and returned by next Thursday. Thanks! :)