Monday, October 27, 2014

Merry Monday and a Happy Week!

Fonzu l-Fenek - Video


Use this chart below to help you multiply by ten every time


Maths Workbook 1 pgs 15 and 18
Studji Soċjali pġ 16 - 17
Reading: 10 minuti Malti
                10 minutes English

Swimming Tomorrow - this will happen even if it rains since the pool is heated - it will only be cancelled if there is thunder.

Please remember:

Clothing- children shall come to school in their full PE Kit,
however, wearing their swimsuit underneath their PE kits.
Children must also bring a sports bag with the following
items:- towel, underwear, socks, flip flops, swimming cap (if
you have one), armbands (if needed).


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