1. Maths Handout time, doubling, halving. 2. English red copybook handout. 3. Let Me Remember Annual Assessments: 15th, 16th and 17th June 2015. 4. School Magazine 5 Euros.
1. Science pg 73 ex 3 pg 74 all. 2. Outing moved to Monday 25th May. 3. Crafts: 2 paper plates, 1 blue kite paper, 1 white kite paper, 3 googly eyes. 4. Malti Manija K+V pg 6
1. Malti 12 - il sentenza fuq il-pitazz l-ahdar. Uzaw il-Malti Manija pg 9 biex jghinkom. 2. Bring a large old T-shirt, big till the knees,an old sun cap and disposable gloves. (put some sunblock). Come in PE kit. 3. Read 10 mins
1. Science pg 64 colour ex. 2, pg 65 ex. 3,4, pg 66 ex 5 and if you want ex 6. 2. English Practice pg 62 + 63 3. For Crafts bring: 3 x A4 cartoncin (favourite colours) 1 small piece of flowered wrapping paper
1. Maths pg 10, 11, 13, 14. 2. English Practice pg 44 to 47, 55 to 56. 3. Tomorrow small bag and your colour t-shirt. 4. Malti 5 sentenzi dwar il-lobgha favorita fuq il-pitazz l-ahdar.