Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday 11th June, 2015


Thursday 11th June, 2015

1. Bring a reading book.
2. Bring a colouring book.

3. Revise, relax, enjoy! 

Let Me Remember Assessments:

Monday 15th June:        English
Tuesday 16th June:       Maths
Wednesday 17th June:  Malti

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday 10th June, 2015


Wednesday 10th June, 2015

1. Revise English Lang pgs 47, 48, 55.
2. Bring 4 Euros for the new diary. (those who didn't yet)

3. Revise Maths Time, 2D and 3D shapes.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday 9th June, 2015


Tuesday 9th June, 2015

1. Maths Blue copybook.
2. Revise Maths topics from white copybook.

3. Revise English language pg 30, 39, 40.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday 8th June, 2015

Monday 8th June, 2015

1. Malti sentenzi fuq il-pitazz l-aħdar.
2. Maths on the blue copybook.
3. Check e-mail.
4. English Revise Language Book pgs 13, 21and 29. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday 26th May, 2015


Tuesday 26th May, 2015


1. Maths Handout time, doubling, halving.
2. English red copybook handout.
3. Let Me Remember Annual Assessments: 15th, 16th and 17th June           2015.
4. School Magazine 5 Euros.

5. Malti 5 sentenzi bil-kliem tal-pitazz l-ahdar.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday 22nd May, 2015


Friday 22nd May, 2015


1. Maths Shapes pg 21. Use white cb to help you.
2. Monday Outing - get small bag.

3. English on red cb.
4. Revise and Read.